Program Planning January 8, Credit Threshold
Excerpt from Ministry memo: Over ten years ago, Ontarios secondary school system was redesigned to support student completion of the credits required for graduation in four years With appropriate planning and supports, the vast majority of Ontario students can finish secondary school and make the transition to their next step in four years This is part of the Ministrys Creating Pathways to Success initiative, involving Individual Pathways Plans for all students As a result, the provincial cost-saving measure associated with this initiative decreased the per pupil funding; boards receive the continuing education rate for students enrolled in courses that could earn them more than 34 eligible secondary school credits
The 34 credit threshold policy does not apply to students: With Individual Education Plans (IEP) Who are enrolled in their first four consecutive years of secondary school Who are 21 years of age or older Who are not enrolled in day school and… Credits earned for courses in ESL and ELD…are exempt from the 34 credit threshold policy.
Who does the34 Credit Threshold apply to: Students who come back to school for a subsequent year beyond their 4 th year, and will earn more than 34 credits within that year/another year; For example: if a grade 12 student finishes his 4 th year with 29 credits and wants to return to school for any more than 5 credits, he/she will not be fully funded in day school for those credits beyond 34
Who does the 34 Credit Threshold apply to: Students who successfully complete a credit course more than once (e.g. to upgrade marks); each successful completion would count toward the 34 credit total For Example: Student needs to improve marks for scholarships or entrance to university
Students to be aware of: Look at groups of students who are potentially vulnerable to 34 credit threshold: Students who continue to return to school for multiple years and multiple credits 29 credits at the end of Grade 12 Students with equivalency credits Students who received a 50 and came back for a 5 th year – how many credits beyond 30 do they have? Students in dual credit programs Students in Arts programs (repertoire programs and equivalent music credits, musical credit counting each year) PAE – age of students and number of credits Exceptional students (who drop their IEP) who took learning strategies in Grade 9 and 10
Implementation: is a transition year for the YRDSB Determine number of students who are within the 34 Credit Threshold some students who have 34+ credits need counseling to alternate means of achieving credits beyond their 4 th year of high school; however, not all students will be asked to find such means next school year Communication is key: Principals Guidance Heads Parents Grade 7 and 8 Transition
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