Our government is based on ideas from Ancient Greece & Rome. Greece: The birthplace of democracy *A democracy is a government ruled by the people.*
The people of Greece used a Direct Democracy. A Direct Democracy is a government where citizens* vote to make their own rules & laws. *Citizens = adult males
***The Romans used a Republican form of Government: Representative Democracy A Representative (or Indirect) Democracy is a government in which the people elect (vote for) a smaller group to make the rules & laws for everyone.
Which kind of government does the United States have? Is it a direct or indirect democracy?
Magna Carta (1215) King John (England) Protected private property No taxes without consent of governed Still applies today: Evidence to convict Due process Habeas corpus Trial by jury No corruption in law
English Bill of Rights (1689) Freedom of speech No taxes or army in time of peace without consent of Parliament Free Parliamentary elections
1st Amendment (US Constitution) Freedom of: Speech Religion Assembly Press Petition