No, He Was a Real Person! K'ak' Joplaj Chan K'awiil Ruled Copan from 738–749 AD 14th Mayan Ruler of Copan
The Beginnings of Civilization
MAN, That Guy’s Got Class! Social class: group of people having similar backgrounds, incomes, and ways of living Gentleman King Priests Nobles: Government Officials and Military Officers Artisans, Traders, Merchants Common Workers/Farmers Slaves
Egyptian Social Classes
Indian Caste System
European Feudalism Lords and Vassals (relationship of mutual benefit): We will talk more about this soon!
Questions to Answer! Please write the following on a separate sheet of paper: Due Tuesday, September 26. 1) What do the spear points and arrowheads tell us about the human ancestors who once lived there? 2) What is the connection between farming and the growth of early cities? 3) What was the relationship between government and the social classes of early civilizations?