A Note From the Kindergarten Teachers A Peek At What We Are Learning February News Leader in Me A Note From the Kindergarten Teachers We are practicing Habit 6 of the 7 Habits. Habit 6 is synergize. We are learning how to work together, because together is better. Please read with your child every night. Please make sure your child does his/her homework and practices his/her sight words. A Peek At What We Are Learning Reading We are comparing and contrasting events in stories. We are also continuing to retell stories, by saying what happened first, next, then, and last. Writing We are writing simple sentences with our sight words. Math We are working on solving subtraction number sentences. Fundations We are working on sounding (tapping) out words. Sight Words make, came, saw, some, if, no, there, use, her, one, made, because, have, me, was, could, big, want, day, all