Did Lincoln win more than 50% of the Popular Vote?


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Presentation transcript:

Did Lincoln win more than 50% of the Popular Vote? If you combine the Electoral Votes for Douglas, Bell and Breckinridge, would it be possible for the South to win this election? Explain

How does Abraham Lincoln’s Election in 1860 cause the Southern States to Secede?

Secession- LO #7-10 7) Lincoln’s elected South believes he will end slavery Election of 1860 shows them that they cannot stop him 8) Before Abraham Lincoln’s Inauguration, South Carolina and 6 other southern states Seceded from the Nation, using State’s Rights as their reasoning. 9) The Constitution for the Confederacy had 3 Main Differences: NO laws against slavery State’s rights/power will be supreme NO protective tariffs allowed -Confederate States of America- The states that Seceded from the United States and formed their own separate nation -Jefferson Davis- elected as president of the Confederate States of America