How do the four seasons effect the Weather? Summer Fall Winter Spring
The Four Seasons The year is divided into four seasons. The set of months in each season have similar weather patterns. Summer - Sunny and hot Fall - Warm days and chilly nights Winter - Cold and sometimes snowy Spring – Warm with rain showers
The Cycle of the Seasons Spring March, April and May Winter December, January and February Summer June, July and August Fall September, October and November
Summer Summer begins in June. It is the hottest season of the year. Days are longer with more hours of sunlight. Some places get thunderstorms during the summer. Even though it is hot, trees and bushes stay green during the summer months.
Fall/Autumn Fall begins in late September. In the fall, days can be warm with cool breezes. Nights can get chilly. Days begin getting shorter as winter gets closer. Leaves on trees will change colors before falling off.
Winter Winter is the coldest season of the year. When precipitation falls in winter, it can be in the form of snow. Days are shorter. Tree branches are bare since the leaves have fallen off. Plants stop growing to conserve energy.
Spring Spring is the season between summer and winter. It may be sunny and warm. During the spring, there could be strong storms that may produce hail. As the weather gets warmer during the spring, flowers and leaves begin to grow.
The Four Seasons Now let’s see what you learned about the four seasons and their weather patterns.
How many seasons are in a year? iRespond Question F Fill-In A.) 4;; B.) C.) D.) E.)
Which of these are NOT seasons? (Hint: There are 2 answers.) iRespond Question F Multiple Response A.) winter B.) snow C.) summer D.) hail E.)
What season comes BEFORE winter? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) fall B.) summer C.) spring D.) E.)
When you go to the farm to pick apples and pumpkins, the leaves on the trees are red and orange. What season is it? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) summer B.) winter C.) spring D.) fall E.)
Which season comes AFTER spring? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) fall B.) winter C.) summer D.) E.)
How is spring different than summer? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) Spring is drier than summer in most places. B.) Spring is cooler than summer in most places. C.) Plants do not grow in the spring, but grow in the summer. D.) E.)
How would you describe weather during the fall months? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) hot and sunny B.) cold and snowy C.) warm days and chilly nights D.) warm with rain showers E.)
Which is a winter month? A.) June B.) January C.) October D.) April iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) June B.) January C.) October D.) April E.)
You are playing at the park and see flower buds and leaves growing on the trees. Which season is it? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) winter B.) fall C.) summer D.) spring E.)
How would you describe the weather during the summer months? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) cold and snowy B.) warm days and chilly nights C.) hot and sunny D.) warm with rain showers E.)
~From RM Education~
Georgia Standards Correlation: Grade 1- Earth Science and Space Science S1E1 Observe, Measure, and Communicate Weather Data Students will observe, measure, and communicate weather data to see patterns in weather and climate. Element: S1E1a Different Types of Weather Identify different types of weather and the characteristics of each type. S1E1c Correlate Weather Data Correlate weather data (temperature, precipitation, sky conditions, and weather events) to seasonal changes.
Georgia Standards Correlation: Grade 2- Life Science S2L1 Life Cycles Students will investigate the life cycles of different living organisms. Element: S2L1b Relate Seasonal Changes to Tree Changes Relate seasonal changes to observations of how a tree changes throughout a school year.