FEUDAL ORDER King—The King nominally owned all the land in the kingdom; BUT only controlled his own estates. Powerful lords/Vassals to the King—Few in number, these lords stood immediately below the king as his subordinate vassals. They received grants of land called Fiefs from the king. Lesser Lords/Vassals—More numerous, these lesser lords or vassals received fiefs in exchange for pledges of allegiance and military service. Knights—The lowest and most numerous group of nobles, constituted the bulk of the feudal armies. Only men could be knights. Serfs—Far outnumbered the entire nobility. They were servants and/or peasants. They had no freedom.
TERMS Fiefs = land grants from a king or a lord Suzerain = title of the King or the lord who granted land. Homage = a ceremony in which the vassal pledges loyalty to the Suzerain. Investiture = a ceremony in which the vassal is granted his fief from his suzerain. Subinfeudation—the process of granting fiefs to others.