B. Povh, MPIK Heidelberg Th. Walcher, Uni Mainz The Nucleon Spin in DIS B. Povh, MPIK Heidelberg Th. Walcher, Uni Mainz
Conflict Constituent Quark Model DIS ΔΣ≈0.6 ΔΣ=0.33±…
In the Constituent Quark Model ΔΣ follows from gA gA = 5/3 1.27 Only 80% of the Constituent Quark is active in the np+e-+ consequently ΔΣ=0.6
DIS for ΔxB intervals It would be correct if the nucleon had only 3 valence quarks and not any pairs. ΔΣ=0.33±… in EMC, SMC, NMC, Hermes, Slac
Intrinsic quark sea Gottfried Sum Rule DIS with the forward neutron DIS with the forward proton
DIS with forward neutron Both violation of Gottfried Sum Rule and forward neutron in DIS. Pion probability in the nucleon is 25%.
DIS with forward proton
DIS with forward proton
Conclusion The polarization ΔΣ≈0.6 of the quark model and the polarization ΔΣ=0.33 requires the average number of quarks and antiquarks in the nucleon to be about 4.5. This number is a lower limit!