Color in Fashion
Color Schemes Monochromatic Analogous Complementary Split Complementary Triad Accented Neutral
Monochromatic Different tints, shades, and intensities of a single color. Example: light blue trousers and jacket with a navy blue vest.
Analogous Two to five colors that are adjacent on the color wheel. Example: orange, yellow-orange and yellow worn together
Complementary Two colors opposite each other on the color wheel. Example: Orange and blue
Split Complementary One color plus the colors on each side of its complement. Example: red combines with yellow-green and blue-green.
Triad Three colors that are equidistant from each other on the color wheel.
Neutral One, two, or three achromatic neutrals, may or may not vary in the degree of warmness or coolness, lightness or darkness, brightness or dullness Ways to neutralize colors is by creating a tone Pay close attention to the colors mixed with the neutrals Possible colors: black and white, combination of browns Effect: vary in mood depending on the degree of light and dark value contrast Are most effective if the degree of lightness or darkness in your hair and/or skin coloring is repeated in the lightness or darkness of the clothing
Accented neutral White, gray, black, or beige with a bright color accent. Effect: draws attention to the one added hue
Color Schemes Portfolio Pages Two pictures of any two color schemes. Explain which colors are in the design, and where the colors are. Tell what color scheme is created by the colors. Explain the effect of the colors on the body. Describe the effect of the scheme, does it draw attention, or is it calming?