HISTORICAL NOTE: Alexander the Great in 332 BC had injected elements of Greek origin into his empire (this is called Hellenism) and by the time of Christ it was integrated thoroughly. But there were many Jews who did not regard Hellenism as a blessing as it consisted of equating and mixing the gods of different nations (Syncretism) and they saw that as a threat to the ONE GOD.
What we learn from this text: 1 This early church new the POWER of prayer v 1
What we learn from this text: 1 This early church new the POWER of prayer v 1 2 ALMS: Anything given gratuitously to relieve the poor, as money, food, or clothing, otherwise called charity v 3
What we learn from this text: 1 This early church new the POWER of prayer v 1 2 ALMS: Anything given gratuitously to relieve the poor, as money, food, or clothing, otherwise called charity v 3 3 This is a bold new PETER who is walking tall in humility and carrying a big stick v 4
What we learn from this text: 4 The most SELFISH thing we can do is learn of the love of Christ and His saving Gospel and not SHARE that with someone else v 5
What we learn from this text: 4 The most SELFISH thing we can do is learn of the love of Christ and His saving Gospel and not SHARE that with someone else v 5 5 Peter shared something that was much more valuable than MONEY v 6
1 Peter 1:18-21, “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.”
What we learn from this text: 4 The most SELFISH thing we can do is learn of the love of Christ and His saving Gospel and not SHARE that with someone else v 5 5 Peter shared something that was much more valuable than MONEY v 6 6 The HEALINGS that the Apostles did where both visible and immediate. v 7
What we learn from this text: 7 When we are healed from our sins, it should be a great time of rejoicing so that “all the people” (v.9) see and hear us praising the Lord for our SALVATION. They should be “filled with wonder and amazement” (v.10) at the TRANSFORMATION that comes to a “new creature…in Christ”
Notice the great picture of salvation in the story of this lame man: • v.2, “lame” - The sinner is born helpless – • v.2, “from his mother’s womb” - His mother was connected with this • v.2, “gate of the temple” - He is outside the dwelling place of God • v.3, “asked an alms” - He is a spiritual beggar
Notice the great picture of salvation in the story of this lame man: • v.5, “expecting to receive something of them” - He expects something from Christians • v.6, “such as I have give I thee” - He doesn’t know his real need. • v.6, “In the name of Jesus Christ” - Salvation is better than money and that name is only name that saves
Notice the great picture of salvation in the story of this lame man: • v.6, “rise up and walk” - Any Christian can pass salvation to others • v.7, “immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength,” - Salvation is instantaneous. • v.8, “he leaping up, stood and walked” - The new convert must stand before he can walk.
Notice the great picture of salvation in the story of this lame man: • v.8, “leaping, and praising God” – He can praise God better after he gets running. v.9, “all the people saw him” - His testimony should be public. v.10, “they were filled with wonder and amazement” - His conversation can lead to the conversion of others