Brogar and the Blacksmith


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Presentation transcript:

Brogar and the Blacksmith

Many Many moons ago almost beyond remembering… At the time when the gods ruled from their mighty palaces in the mountains, and the Gods walked freely among men. It pleased the Gods at times to walk among men as ordinary folk. So it was, that one day Brogar God of the Mountains and Tilnick God of the rivers were walking through a small village, when they came to a blacksmith shop.

Tilnick gave Brogar a nudge. “My Lord, look at that.” Brogar looked above the door and saw a sign saying, “Master of Masters. I can do anything!” “Hmm,” said Brogar. “Let’s look upon this Master of Masters.” Inside, the blacksmith was at his forge, pounding on a horseshoe. “We have seen the sign over your door,” said Brogar God of the Mountains. “What does it mean?” “Can’t you read?” said the smith. “It means what it says. I’m the Master of Masters and I can do anything.” “That’s quite a coincidence,” said Brogar. “That’s what people call me.” “Then they’d better stop,” said the smith. “I’m the greatest blacksmith that ever lived. That makes me the Master of Masters.”

Just then, a woman came in, saying, “Blacksmith, my bucket has a hole in it. Will you fix it for me?” “Certainly,” said the smith. “Come back for it in an hour.” When the man had left, Brogar asked, “Mind if I try my hand at it?” The smith looked him up and down unimpressed. “I guess you can’t do any harm that I can’t put right.” Brogar took the bucket and within seven seconds he had fixed the hole by stretching the metal together with his bare hands. The blacksmith was astonished.

Within minutes, a man came in, saying, “Blacksmith, my horse is outside. Will you shoe it for me?” “Certainly,” said the smith. “Come back for it in an hour.” When the man had left, Brogar asked, “Mind if I try my hand at it?” The smith looked him up and down unimpressed. “I guess you can’t do any harm that I can’t put right.” Now, usually, to shoe a horse, you pull the shoe off the horse’s hoof, heat the shoe in the fire, hammer it at the anvil to bend up the ends, then nail it back on the hoof. But that’s not what Brogar did. He took hold of one of the horse’s legs and gave a little tug. Pop! The leg came right off. He carried it inside, stuck the hoof in the fire, then laid it on the anvil and bent up the shoe. Then he carried the leg back outside and—pop!—stuck it back on the horse. Never saw that trick before,” said the smith. “Mind if I try it?” “Be my guest,” said Brogar. The smith took hold of another leg and tugged and tugged. But all he got for his trouble was a kick from the horse. “Watch me again,” said Brogar. He took hold of the leg—pop!—pulled it off, brought it inside to the fire, bent the shoe at the anvil, and stuck the leg back on the horse—pop! Then he went around and did the same with the other two legs. “I have to admit, I’m impressed,” said the smith.

“That’s nothing,” said Brogar. “Watch this.” A man with a hunchback was passing by. Brogar said, “Sir, let me relieve you of that burden.” “Are you mocking me?” asked the man angrily. “Not at all,” said Brogar. “Please come into the shop.” Brogar brought the man inside, picked him up, and stuck his hump in the fire. Then he laid him on the anvil and picked up the blacksmith’s hammer. Whomp! whomp! whomp! He pounded that man’s back as straight as a ruler. Brogar set him down. The man cried for joy , jumped six feet in the air, and raced on down the street.

“Never saw that trick, either,” said the smith “Never saw that trick, either,” said the smith. “Mind if I try that one, too?” “I wouldn’t, if I were you,” said Brogar. “It’s tougher than it looks.” “I imagine you’re right,” said the smith. He went straight outside and took down his sign. And he never again called himself the Master of Masters.  

What is Allegory? Allegory is the use of hidden meanings through symbolic figures, actions, imagery, and/or events, which together create the moral, spiritual, or political meaning the author wishes to convey Examples from the Myth: Blacksmith represents – arrogance, boastfulness, Brogar represents- divine power Bucket, horse represents- ordinary jobs and tasks to be done, Hunchback represents- the miracle only a God can perform Three times: Three is the traditional number for times to get things right, or chances to change your behaviour

What is Metonomy? Metonomy is where one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated Examples from the Myth Many many moons ago – means a long time ago “Mind if I try my hand at it?”- means would you mind if I did that.