PEFA Physical Energy Flow Accounts


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Presentation transcript:

PEFA Physical Energy Flow Accounts ESTP Training Course Vienna, 6-7 May 2015

1 Introduction Data collection 2015 + 2016: voluntarily Electronic PEFA questionnaire (related to legal act) 5 Tables Reduced number of rows and columns IT-tool (‘PEFA-builder’) Voluntary use Processes IES/Eurostat Annual Questionnaires More detailed rows and columns Populates automatically the PEFA-questionnaire

(resident adjustments transport, PEFA Table D “indicators” Eurostat Energy Balance PEFA Table E “Bridge” PEFA Table A “Supply” Table B “Use” Eurostat COMEXT Energy database IT tool “PEFA-builder” export csv IEA/ESTAT 5 Questionnaires Additional data (resident adjustments transport, industry detailing) national energy balances national energy data

2 Conceptual foundations PEFA 2 Conceptual foundations

SEEA-CF Tab. 3.1 / PEFA Manual Fig. 1

Excercise: PSUT framework

Excercise: PSUT framework

Excercise: PSUT framework

3 PEFA Questionnaire

4 General Compilation Guidelines 4.1 Data sources National energy statistics Data sources for resident adjustments Data sources for industry detailing 4.2 Important conventions Resident adjustments Stock changes Primary versus secondary products Three compilation steps (suggested)

4.3 Supply of ‘primary’ energy products …and their corresponding natural inputs …and corresponding possible residuals (losses during extraction)

rest of the world economy Figure 3 mining industry 'primary' energy products natural energy inputs energy residuals environment rest of the world economy

(transformation losses) Figure 4 (nuclear) power plant, CHP NACE D35 'primary' product (P22) nuclear fuel mining industry NACE B environment 'secondary' products electricity, heat (P26, P27) energy residuals R30 (transformation losses) natural input N02

Figure 5 (renewables) power plant, heat plant environment NACE D35 'primary'' products electricity, heat (P26, P27) natural input N03, N04, N05

Figure 6 (biomass) manufact. of gas NACE D35 residual (R28) renewable waste 'Changes in inventories and produced assets' environment 'primary' product biogas(P25) natural input N06 manufact. of chemicals NACE C20 'primary'' product liquid biofuel (P24)) manufact. of wood and paper products NACE 16, 17 'primary' products wood waste, black liquor(P23) agriculture, forestry NACE 01, 02 Wood, other vegetal P23)

Figure 7 (waste) environ-ment manufact. of non-metallic minerals manufact. of basic metals NACE C24 residual (R28) renewable waste (R29) non-renewable waste 'changes in inventories and produced assets' environ-ment manufact. of non-metallic minerals NACE C23 generation of electricity & heat NACE D35 'primary' products electricity (P27), heat (P28) residual (R30) losses

4.4 Transformation into ‘secondary’ energy products …and corresponding residuals (transformation losses)

Figure 8 rest of the world economy trans-formation industry 'secondary' energy products 'primary' 'primary' and 'secondary' mining industry rest of the world economy environment energy residuals (transformation losses)

Figure 9 (secondary oil products) refineries NACE C19 'secondary' energy products for end use petrochemical industry NACE C20 'primary' residuals (transformation losses) energy incorporated in non-energy use products environment stock

4.5 End uses of energy products …and corresponding residuals (losses)

'changes in inventories and produced assets' Figure 10 (end use) residual (R31) energy incorporated in products 'changes in inventories and produced assets' environment end use: - energy sector -transport - industry - other residual (R30) losses 'primary' and 'secondary' energy products

Excercise: advanced flowsystem