Hadron Programs at HIRFL-CSR Hushan Xu1), Zhigang Xiao2) Institute of Modern Physics, CAS, Lanzhou Tsinghua University, Beijing
Beam Facilities at HIRFL N CSRm CSRe SFC SSC SFC: 10 AMeV (H.I.), 17~35 MeV (p) SSC: 100 AMeV (H.I.), 110 MeV (p) CSRm: 1000 AMeV (H.I.), 2.8 GeV (p) RIBLL1: RIBs at tens of AMeV RIBLL2: RIBs at hundreds of A MeV CSRe: storage ring with deceleration RIBLL2 RIBLL1
HIRFL Research Programs Nuclear Physics Nuclear spectroscopy (SHE, dripline nuclei, exotic decay properties, …) RIB physics (matter & charge distribution radii, new phenomena in weakly bound nuclei, …) Reaction dynamics and nuclear matter (NN cross section, EoS of the asymmetric nuclear matter, properties of the high baryon density nuclear matter, … ) Hadron Physics (Hadron spectroscopy, isospin violation process, spin physics, …) --- planned Atomic Physics Material Science Radio-biology & cancer therapy with heavy ions
Exp. Sites at HIRFL 10 ① Low energy site in general ② Atomic physics exp. site ③ SHANS - Spectrometer for Heavy Atom and Nuclear Structure ④ Heavy ion irradiation exp. site ⑤ RIBLL1 – 1st Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou 10 ⑥ ETF – External Target Facility at CSR ⑦ CSRe – Experimental Ring ⑧ PISA ⑨ Tumor therapy site HPLUS
Hadron Physics LanzhoU Spectrometer Plan for HPLUS HPLUS Hadron Physics LanzhoU Spectrometer Simulation: 2006-2010 Key component R&D: 2006- Proton beam from CSR: 2010 Warming-up exps.: 2010- to be continued by Dr. Zhigang Xiao