Bio 449 Lecture 19 - Cardiovascular Physiology II Oct. 13, 2010 Heart Electrical events of the heartbeat Mechanical events of the heartbeat Cardiac output Heart rate Stroke volume Control of cardiac output Blood flow Vessel size, blood velocity and pressure Control of blood distribution Poiseuille's Law Local vs. systemic effects of vasoconstriction Regulation of arteriolar diameter Terms to Know Systole Diastole Isovolemic contraction Isovolemic relaxation Ventricular ejection Heart rate Stroke volume Cardiac output Starling's Law of the Heart Poiseuille's Law Viscosity Total peripheral resistance (TPR) Mean arterial pressure (MAP) Central venous pressure (CVP) Vasodilation Vasoconstriction Active hyperemia Nitric oxide Readings Lectures 18-20: Chapter 14 & 15
Myogenic pacemakers
Elastic recoil of arteries Ventricular contraction Arterioles Ventricular relaxation Fig.15-4
Mechanical events of the heartbeat
Systole and diastole Similar to Fig.14-24
Overview of EKG
Electrical events and EKG pattern Fig. 14-21
Standard EKG Fig. 14-21
Summary of cardiac cycle
Fig. 14-26
Fig. 14-26
Fig. 14-26
Fig. 14-26
Fig. 14-26
Cardiac Output
Control of Cardiac Output
Effects of sympathetic activity on HR Fig. 14-16
Effects of parasympathetic activity on HR Fig. 14-16