Social Studies/Science 2 Bradley Elementary School BUZZ OF THE WEEK nd Grade Ms. Silvers January 17th- 20th Save the Dates January: 18 – STAR Testing - Reading 26- Kansas Day 27- Early Release at 1:30pm February: 6- 6:30 2nd Grade Music Concert 14- Valentine’s Day Party 16-Skateboard Science Assembly 20- NO SCHOOL SPELLING:Compound Words – all 15 words! basketball, someone, weekend, something, birthday, riverbank, bathtub, backyard, driveway, bedtime, raindrop, mailbox, grandparent, rattlesnake, earthquake Sentences: 1. I threw the basketball at someone. 2. It is always bath time before bedtime. Math Vocabulary: “BIG BOTTOM BORROW” Vertical, horizontal, ones, tens, add, sum, subtract, difference, two-digit numbers, total, all together, regroup, “borrow, carry” <<< Goals >>> Reading: Anansi Goes Fishing (Tale) Skill: Cause & Effect Spelling: Compound Words Grammar: Verbs (past, present, future) Math: Borrowing/Carrying Subtraction Specials 1:45-2:30 Mon: NO SCHOOL Tues: P.E. Wed: Art Thurs: Library Friday: Music Social Studies/Science Arctic Geography Animal Research Questions or concerns? (913) 651-6915 ext.1104