Lecture 19: Examples on Moment of a Force About a Specified Axis ENGI 1313 Mechanics I Lecture 19: Examples on Moment of a Force About a Specified Axis
Lecture 19 Objective to demonstrate by example finding the moment of a force about a specified axis
Mid-Term Concepts up to and including this lecture could be covered in the October 18 or October 22 mid-term
Example 19-01 A force is applied to the valve stem to open a buried gas valve. Find the magnitude of the moment of this force about the vertical z-axis of the valve.
Example 19-02 A force F of 80 lb acts along the edge DB. Find the magnitude of the moment of this force about the axis AC.
References Hibbeler (2007) http://wps.prenhall.com/esm_hibbeler_engmech_1