TODAY’S SESSION – Start as you mean to go on What does organisation mean? Why am I expected to be organised at school? The importance of organisation for the future Setting targets and small steps to help stay organised
Organisation Quick recap! Look at the definitions below and consider where you have had to be organised at school in the last week The way in which the elements of a whole are arranged The quality of being systematic and efficient Oxford English Dictionary ‘Organising is what you do before you do something so when you do it, it is not all mixed up’ A.A.Milne
Organisation Task How am I expected to be organised at school? Make a list of all the things you have done so far in Year 7 that have demonstrated organisation Complete HW on time Taking my PE kit home after my lesson Getting ready in the morning Sticking to tasks in class Getting my stuff ready the night before Working well as a team or group
The little things matter! Forgetting your pencil case matters! No pencil case Forgetting your pencil case matters! Waste time to ask teacher for spares Teacher begins to think you aren’t bothered about your studies REPEATEDLY Not focused on the crucial parts of the lesson, worrying about minor things Lose key points from the lesson Significant negative impact on school life and, therefore, your results!
Organisation Why is it important to be organised? As well as ensuring you don't forget your lunch or turn up late to an important meeting, organisation will make you look more professional and help you get your job done more effectively. Employers really value strong organisational skills, as they know you will be efficient and do the work on time. Being organised also shows how much you care about your job; arriving every day, being on time, and remembering everything you need is really important. Youth Employment UK
Setting targets and small steps Pack your bag the night before Write your HW in your planner Make a HW timetable and display it somewhere prominent in your house Stick to your HW timetable Prioritise what you need to do first, not necessarily what you want to do first Ask for help before you need to submit work
Call to action Between now and the next lesson, consider looking at any of the following activities: Deliver a presentation on a topic of your choice and present it in a subject lesson or tutorial Assist your tutor by becoming a pastoral class manager (or equivalent), monitoring and recording tutor tasks and carrying out daily checks.
Extension How organised are you? Can you take a photo of something in your house that demonstrates how you are staying organised? Do you have post it notes on your wall? A HW timetable and/or timetable displayed? A calendar with key dates?
© The PiXL Club Ltd. June 2018 This resource is strictly for the use of The PiXL Club Ltd member schools during the life of the membership only. It may NOT be copied, sold, or transferred or made available by whatever means to a third party non-member during or after membership. Until such time it may be freely used within the PiXL member school by their teachers and authorized staff and any other use or sale thereof is strictly prohibited. All opinions and contributions are those of the authors. The contents of this resource are not connected with, or endorsed by, any other company, organisation or institution. PiXL Club Ltd endeavour to trace and contact copyright owners. If there are any inadvertent omissions or errors in the acknowledgements or usage, this is unintended and PiXL will remedy these on written notification.