Welcome to Your Child’s Seat. Thank you for coming today.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Your Child’s Seat. Thank you for coming today.

Topics to be covered General routines (coming in and out, homework, expectations about independence etc ) Talk homework is alternating with handwriting homework this year. Both are given out on Fri…nothing to hand in for Talk Homework but it is a great chance for the children to talk about and reinforce their learning with you at home. It also gives the children more variety rather than the same routine every week and it’s a great way for parents to know what their children have been learning about too. The topics will be VERY varied! (More homework info to follow)

Topics cont. Reading Record books (weekly spellings, test results, maths club etc) Reading: changing of books, hearing children read etc (reading challenge will be addressed on next slide) Read Write Inc. Progress and how we measure it SATS info Planned trips Volunteering in school Home - School Agreement (more info on next few slides) Parents Evening.

Reading Challenge (reminder) If your child reads 3 times or more in one week, they will receive a tick. When 10 ticks are achieved they receive a special book mark and their bronze award. The next award is silver for 20 ticks (10 additional ticks to the 10 already achieved for Bronze). Gold is 30 and Head Teachers Award is for 40. Please remember to add any reading activity to the Reading Record Book. (It does not have to be reading of their school book only.) Thank you. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

Homework Reading (at least 3 times per week). This will be monitored weekly and recorded in Homework Books. Reading Rewards will continue. Spelling Practising spellings weekly – scores from tests recorded in Homework books. Plus one other piece of work – this may take on a variety of forms via talk homework For example, a pre-learning task – this could be in preparation for a class task such as collecting vocabulary for writing, gathering information or reporting back on class learning etc. Project Homework Children will be able to pick an aspect of the theme that they have enjoyed and choose from a ‘Pick ‘n’ Mix’ selection of tasks. This will be for each theme – 6 times per year.

September 2018: re-introduction of the Home-School Agreement The Home-School Agreement is a “contract” between the school, the parent/carer and the child, acknowledging the role that each party has to play in ensuring good behaviour in school.

This is clearly acknowledged in the Behaviour Policy (revised July 2018) "Good behaviour from our pupils requires a firm partnership of respect and understanding between the school, each pupil and their parent/guardians. Each party has their role to play in ensuring that the best possible behaviour is achieved by our pupils. At the beginning of each school year, each pupil and their parent/guardian(s) will be asked to read and sign a Home-School Agreement … which recognises the duties of parents/guardians, pupils and Preshute Primary School respectively in achieving and maintaining this goal. On returning the signed Home-School Agreement to the school, it will be signed by the Head Teacher”

Parents agree to: ensure that their child goes to school regularly, on time and properly equipped. support staff in creating a caring community which values children and their rights. make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect their child’s work or behaviour. support their child with homework. attend parent consultation evenings etc. ensure their child gets sufficient rest and sleep during term time. accept the school’s Behaviour Policy and ensure their child follows the school’s rules and maintains good behaviour. read all letters/messages/emails that are sent home by the school. desist from denigrating the school or its staff or other parents and/or pupils, including through use of social media.

Pupils agree to: be kind, polite and helpful to everyone at all times. do all their work as well as they can. follow the Golden Rules. keep the school clean and tidy behave well when they are at school, travelling to and from school, and when on school trips.

The school agrees with the parent to: take care of their child’s safety, well-being and happiness. provide the scaffolding necessary to enable their child to achieve his/her full potential. provide a balanced curriculum aimed at meeting the individual needs of their child. aim to achieve high standards of work and behaviour. keep parents informed about general school matters and their child’s progress. offer opportunities for parents to become involved in daily school life. maintain an ‘open door policy’.

And finally…. We have an open door policy. If you have any questions please see either of us at any time. Mrs Merritt is here Mon and Tues. Mrs Grant is here Wed, Thurs and Fri.

Thank you so much for coming today Thank you so much for coming today. Don’t forget that we all want the absolute best for your children.