Can Antiperspirants Contribute to Male Organ Odor?


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Presentation transcript:

Can Antiperspirants Contribute to Male Organ Odor?

Sensual partnerships rise and fall on a number of factors which vary from person to person and couple to couple. One factor which tends to be very important is how hygienic the other partner is – or appears to be. Clearly, visible signs of proper hygiene are important, but other sense can come into play when assessing partner hygiene levels, including the sense of smell. In such cases, a strongly unpleasant or off-putting male organ odor can lead a partner to withdraw, worried not only about hygiene but also about what male organ odor might convey about their partner’s male organ health status. This is one reason men need to be aware of whether they have a male organ odor issue and what might be contributing to it. Curiously, and perhaps counterintuitively, use of antiperspirants in some cases may actually makes things worse.

The sweat factor While it is true that there can be other causes of male organ odor, such as a urinary tract infection of a fungal situation, frequently sweat is a big culprit in the manufacturing of pungent male organ odor. When a guy sweats, it mixes with bacteria, releasing a range of aromas, some of which are definitely not attractive. And the member is situated in such a way that it can be like a sweat magnet. To start with, unless a guy manscapes, his member is nestled beneath a thick layer of hair which serves to insulate the manhood and sacks, adding to heat. In addition, resting between or atop the thighs adds another layer of body heat. And when the member is tumescent, the influx of blood into the manhood also adds further heat.

But that’s not where things stop. Most men wear both underwear and trousers, making a double layer of clothing which means the area is kept twice as warm as many other parts of the body. With all this going on, is it any wonder that guys tend to sweat in the midsection, and that odor tends to accumulate there?

Antiperspirants But even so, why should antiperspirants somehow add to an unwanted male organ odor situation? After all, antiperspirants are designed to STOP sweat. And besides, most men use antiperspirants under their arms, not on or around their manhood. All of this is true, but with a little thought one can see how antiperspirants could add to male organ stench. Both deodorants and antiperspirants help to kill the bacteria that combines with sweat to create odor. But antiperspirants also help to block sweat pores so that sweat has a much harder time even leaving the body in the areas where it is applied.

Yes, antiperspirant isn’t applied to the member and surrounding areas. But if it is used under the arms, it doesn’t mean that sweat has been destroyed; it just means that sweat that is produced can no longer easily leave the body through the armpits. Instead, it needs to find another way out of the body, so it travels to other areas which are not dampered by antiperspirants – such as the member. So more sweat exits the body through the male organ, thereby increasing the potential for a rank manhood smell. None of this is to say that a guy has to stop using antiperspirants – but if he does use them, he needs to do an even better job of blocking male organ odor. For example, he must wash very thoroughly and may need to do so more frequently.

Another excellent way to use antiperspirants and still combat male organ odor is by daily applying a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The crème must contain vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties which can help diminish persistent manhood smells. The crème should also include a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. By fighting excess radicals that can cause oxidative stress to member skin, alpha lipoic acid strengthens the skin so that it can better respond to efforts to fight excess odor.Man 1 Man Oil