Chapter 8 Review Intro to Criminal law
What is… less than a year in prison
What is… knows about the crime, but helps principle avoid capture
What is… orders a crime, but was not present during the crime
What is… person who commits the crime (leader)
What Law… if you are a sex offender there is a mandatory registration
someone who helps the principle commit the crime
the state you were in mentally when the crime was committed
What is solicitation? Give an example.
What are the three preliminary crimes discussed in chapter 8?
the reason for performing the act
What is… crime of omission
George and Cleo agree to rob a bank George and Cleo agree to rob a bank. George goes to the bank to study its layout. Cleo has committed __________.
Johnny hires Jason to kill his wife. Johnny is a(n) __________.
orders a crime, but was not present during the crime