Review of 2009-2013 Strategic Plan Accomplishments Fall 2013
Intentional and Deliberate Actions Listed by Strategic Goal Strategic Direction One – Institutional Effectiveness: District policies and processes that ensure the effectiveness of the teaching/learning culture while improving communication and collaboration Goal 1.1 – institutional capacity to fulfill the college mission Goal 1.2 – committee/process improvement to improve coordination, communication, and effectiveness
Intentional and Deliberate Actions Listed by Strategic Goal Strategic Direction Two– Student Learning: Educational programs and comprehensive student support services that are responsive to the assessment of learning outcomes Goal 2.1 – define and assess student learning outcomes (SLOs) for all college programs and services Goal 2.2 – support student access, achievement, and success
Intentional and Deliberate Actions Listed by Strategic Goal Strategic Direction Three– Resources: Responsible and effective management of institutional resources (human, financial, technology, facility) Goal 3.1 – recruit and retain quality employees Goal 3.2 – develop district financial resources adequate to support quality programs and services Goal 3.3 – enhance and maintain currency in technology usage/applications in support of students and faculty, staff efficiency and operational effectiveness Goal 3.4 – provide a safe, attractive, and accessible physical environment that enhances the ability to teach, learn, and work
Intentional and Deliberate Actions Listed by Strategic Goal Strategic Direction Four– Governance: Leadership, shared governance, and communication responsive to college and community change Goal 4.1 – create a culture of data-driven decision making and prioritization informed by an organizational systems approach Goal 4.2 – create a planning consultation framework that includes input from all sectors of employees and the board of trustees
How did we do? At your tables, discuss the accomplishments related to the assigned goal(s) Focus on ACCOMPLISHMENTS Avoid discussion on what was not done or should be done Identify any missing accomplishments directly related to the goal Keep in mind that some goals overlap and items may be listed elsewhere Determine the 3 most important accomplishments related to the goal
Key Accomplishments Each group to report on the 3 most important accomplishments related to the assigned goals
Goal 1.1: To identify the institutional capacity to fulfill the college mission reaccredited with no sanctions maximize offerings during budget cuts without cutting programs weathered budget crisis of last 5 years with no layoffs from district President’s meet and greet in the community
Goal 1.2: To implement a committee/ process improvement initiative to improve coordination, communication, and effectiveness completed the CCPD culture of assessing what we (institution) do – processes/practices/spaces/etc.
Goal 2.1: To define and assess student learning outcomes (SLOs) for all college programs and services learning outcomes analyst position, training, support for faculty, reports, assessment day SLOs have been defined for all active courses, programs, student services; ~95% of courses have had 1+ SLOs assessed completion of institutional assessment plan
Goal 2.2: To support student access, achievement, and success basic skills initiative activities including textbooks & materials, tutoring & facilitator hours, etc. staff and faculty are learning requirements of & how to implement student success act for the benefit our students special programs that support student success Cal-SOAP, CalWorks, CAN, Mini-Corps, CARE, EOPS, LAP, MESA, STEM & activities such as Science Night & other outreach
Goal 3.1: To recruit and retain quality employees hired new president/superintendent HR offered extensive management training from Liebert, Cassidy and Whitmore negotiated language with CSEA to create permanent positions to replace temporary positions; developed 60 new job descriptions; restructures completed in various departments.
Goal 3.2: To develop district financial resources adequate to support quality programs and services district presents a balanced budget each fiscal year, including adequate reserve, for adoption by the board college has used measure I funds for improvements create successful partnerships that produced major private funding sources from local businesses and other private donors to support various programs & projects Foundation donations to projects, like Children’s Center upgraded bond rating to AA
Goal 3.3: To enhance and maintain currency in technology usage/applications in support of students and faculty, staff efficiency and operational effectiveness created an endowment for ongoing support of technology myHancock and new website implemented implementation of Banner VOIP phone system keeping up with changes of technology in the classroom and fields of study
Goal 3.4: To provide a safe, attractive, and accessible physical environment that enhances the ability to teach, learn, and work successfully completed new buildings child care, public safety, one stop facilities constructed with LEED certification training for campus safety, blue light safety poles, etc. Art on Campus committee and art in college spaces
Goal 4.1: To create a culture of data-driven decision making and prioritization informed by an organizational systems approach use of eLumen & website to post SLOs / program reviews making them accessible for campus use / information & decision making submitted midterm report successfully created surveys to collect campus wide input
Goal 4.2: To create a planning consultation framework that includes input from all sectors of employees and the board of trustees creating and implementation of CCPD manual and processes (ongoing evolution) welcomed changes in All Staff Day presentations – more inclusive annual planning retreats have included all constituencies Board open hours – members are accessible
Congratulations on AHC’s Accomplishments!