2016 Prize Pool
Highlights $412,500 in prize dollars Over 100 prizes
Types Hourly End of Day Category Social Media Unique Grantee Grand Prize(s)
Hourly One $1,000 prize every hour to the nonprofit that brings in the most unique donors in the hour.
Category $154,000 pool pro-rated based on the number of nonprofits registered in each category. Roughly 5% of nonprofits in each category will win an end of day category prize. Awarded based on total number of unique donors brought in for the entire day
Animal Welfare: 87 agencies Category Animal Welfare: 87 agencies $7,500 $2,500 $1,000 $500
Arts, Culture and Humanities: 122 agencies Category Arts, Culture and Humanities: 122 agencies $7,500 4. $2,000 $5,000 5. $1,000 $2,500 6. $500
Civil Rights, Social Action, and Advocacy: Category Civil Rights, Social Action, and Advocacy: 37 agencies $7,500
Community Improvement, Environment, and Parks: 66 agencies Category Community Improvement, Environment, and Parks: 66 agencies $7,500 $2,500 $1,000
Category Education: 201 agencies $7,500 6. $2,000 $5,000 7. $1,500 $7,500 6. $2,000 $5,000 7. $1,500 $3,500 8. $1,000 $3,000 9. $500 $2,500
Healthcare, Medical Research and the Sciences: Category Healthcare, Medical Research and the Sciences: 90 agencies $7,500 $2,500 $1,500 $1,000
Human Services: 243 agencies Category Human Services: 243 agencies $7,500 7. $2,000 $5,000 8. $1,500 $4,000 9. $1,000 $3,500 10. $500 $3,000 11. $500 $2,500
Military Service: 40 agencies Category Military Service: 40 agencies $7,500 $1,000
Religion and Spirituality : 44 agencies Category Religion and Spirituality : 44 agencies $7,500 $1,000
Sports and Recreation : 31 agencies Category Sports and Recreation : 31 agencies $7,500
Youth Development : 87 agencies Category Youth Development : 87 agencies $7,500 $2,500 $1,000 $500
Size All four size categories will have 3 prizes given to the top three agencies by number of unique donors at the end of the day. Budget breakdown: 0-$49,999, $50,000-$249,999, $250,000-$999,999, and $1,000,000 and above. 1st: $5,000 2nd: $2,500 3rd: $1,000
Special Prizes
Special Prizes $1,000 to the San Antonio nonprofit with the largest number of unique donors on May 3rd. $1,000 to the Nonprofit Council Agency member that brings the most unique donors from 5PM-6PM. $500 to the Nonprofit Council Agency member that brings in the most unique donors from 7AM-8AM.
Special Prizes $500 to the Atascosa County Health or Human Service agency that brings in the most unique donors between midnight and noon. $500 to the Atascosa County Health or Human Service agency that brings in the most unique donors between noon and midnight.
Special Prizes $1,000 X 2 to the organization among Friends of NB Public Library, Family Promise, Sophienburg Museum, Bulverde Senior Center, CASA, Connections and Family Services, Communities in Schools who brings in the most unique donors between 9AM-10AM and 7PM-8PM $500 X 3 to the organizations who hold a fund with the Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country that bring in the most unique donors from 6AM-10AM, 12PM- 4PM, and 6PM-10PM
Golden Tickets 7 $1,500 golden tickets will be drawn throughout the day. Golden tickets are extra gift money attached to a random donor’s gift Any agency can win them The more donors you have in an hour, the more likely you are to win a golden ticket Hours: 12AM-1AM 4AM-5AM, 9AM-10AM, 12PM- 1PM, 3PM-4PM, 6PM-7PM, 10PM-11PM
House District 123 Golden Tickets $100 will be added to five random donations made by residents of House district 123. 4AM-5AM,10AM-11AM, 11AM-12PM, 12PM- 1PM, 8PM-9PM,
Social Media Prizes Two $500 gifts to randomly drawn organizations for the #IGiveLocalBecause contest. One $500 gift to the randomly drawn winner of the #BigGiveHero contest.
Grantee Restricted
Genevieve & Ward Orsinger Foundation $15,000 to be divided among designated nonprofits (grantee list posted on “Toolkit” of thebiggivesa.org). At the end of the event, we will calculate how much all of the grantees raised in total. Whatever percentage each agency raised of the total is the percentage of dollars they will take from the $15,000 pool. Example: Nonprofit X brings in 10% of all of the funds raised by Orsinger grantees, they receive $1,500.
McKenna Legacy Fund-$15,000 $5,000 to the McKenna grantee that brings in the most unique donors on May 3rd $2,500 to the McKenna grantees that bring in the 2nd-5th most unique donors on May 3rd.
Kronkosky Foundation $15,000 pool (grantee list posted on the “Toolkit” of thebiggivesa.org) $5,000 to the grantee with largest number of contributions on May 3rd $2,000 to the grantee with the second largest number of contributions on May 3rd $5,000 to the grantee who raises the most money on May 3rd. $1,000 to the grantee who raises the second most money on May 3rd. $2,000 to the grantee who brings in the most money between a single hour (TBD).
Brackenridge Foundation $105,000 pool $25,000 match to each of Great Hearts, Carpe Diem, BASIS, and IDEA. $5,000 match to KIPP Dollar for dollar match up to the first $1,000 of each donation.
Grand Prize(s)
Grand Prize $15,000 to the nonprofit that brings in the most money on May 3rd $15,000 to the nonprofit with the most unique donors on May 3rd