The Werewolf Quotation Blast
The Gothic in ‘Macbeth’ LO: to identify the gothic elements in ‘Macbeth’ and to explain their purpose and effect.
wild landscapes (the heath) (Sadik) 10 minutes Prepare a 2 minute presentation on your gothic element and its connection to ‘Macbeth’. Remember: How is the gothic element included? Why is the gothic element included? (What message is it conveying). wild landscapes (the heath) (Sadik) castles (Macbeth’s castle, Dunsinane) (Amritpal) sudden and violent shifts of emotion (Kerenjeet) excess and extremity (violence, cruelty) (Crystal) the supernatural and ghostly (the witches and Banquo’s ghost – also figurative ‘ghosts’ of the past or the future which haunt the characters) (Sagal) isolation and loneliness (relating to both setting and character, including orphaning and widowing) (Nina) blurring of distinctions between sanity and insanity(Izzah)
Read the source, ‘The Gothic in Macbeth’ by Andrew Green Read the source, ‘The Gothic in Macbeth’ by Andrew Green. Highlight and annotate interesting/main ideas.
The Gothic in Macbeth – Posters Read your allocated parts from the source given to you. Make notes and use drawings to convey the information to the class. Elaborate on the points and link to ‘Macbeth’. Internal and external - Parminder, Hardeep and Ayub Terror and horror - Akhila and Dharmishta Innocence and guilt – Hassret and Michala Macbeth and gothic - Katerina and Ravneet Good and evil – Samatar and Sara
Act 2, Scenes 1 and 2 What is gothic about Macbeth’s hallucination? What do you think Macbeth’s hallucination of the dagger is a metaphor for? How would you describe Lady Macbeth in Act 2, Scene 2? Think back to the ‘gothic woman’ lesson we did. What do you notice about Macbeth’s character? Explain. Identify the gothic elements, explored in this lesson, used in this scene. Explain the purpose of each.
Macbeth is solely responsible for the death of King Duncan. Review Macbeth is solely responsible for the death of King Duncan. Arguments to consider: The Witches planted the seed of thought. Lady Macbeth acted as the 4th Witch and fed Macbeth with evil thoughts. Macbeth was capable of winning a battle, was he not capable of making up his own mind? Choose 5 arguments you would put forward Choose 3 of the most important of the 5 Select 1 to discuss in detail.