Integrated Capacity Analysis Working Group January 20, 2017 In-person meeting
Agenda Time Topic 9:00 – 9:10 9: 10 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:30 Review of Schedule 9: 10 – 11:00 Discussion of IOU written responses, recommendations development 11:00 – 11:30 Discussion of costs, modeling software (tentative)
ICA and LNBA Working Group Background ICA and LNBA WG Purpose - Pursuant to the May 2, 2016, Assigned Commissioner’s Ruling (ACR) in DRP proceeding (R.14-08-013), the Joint Utilities are required to convene the ICA and LNBA WG to: Refine ICA and LNBA Methodologies and Requirements Authorize Demonstration Project A and Project B CPUC Energy Division role Oversight to ensure balance and achievement of State objective (ensure adequate stakeholder representation in consensus statements, keeping WG activities on track with Commission expectations/needs, demonstration project results review, quality control on deliverables) Coordination with both related CPUC activities and activities in other agencies (IDER CSF WG, CEC and CAISO interagency matters, interconnection/Rule 21/SIWG, other proceedings that may impact or be impacted by locational value calculation such as AB 350/IRP and LTPP/TPP/RPS) Steward WG agreements into CPUC decisions when necessary More Than Smart role Engaged by Joint Utilities to facilitate both the ICA & LBNA working groups. This leverages the previous work of MTS facilitating stakeholder discussions on ICA and LBNA topics.
Schedule Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 13 14 15 16 17 18 LNBA: first draft report ICA: webinar ICA: first draft report LNBA: first round of edits due 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ICA: first round of edits due LNBA: second draft report ICA: second draft report LNBA: final edits due 26 27 28 1 ICA: final edits due IOUs submit reports
Resources: LNBA: First draft report (2/13) – redline edits by 2/17 to Draft consolidated recommendations (2/7) XLS CPUC Memo on LNBA Use Cases (2/1) First draft outline(1/26) CALSEIA, SEIA, Clean Coalition, Vote Solar (1/18) TURN (1/13) Karey Christ Janer (1/10) ICA: Draft consolidated recommendations (XLS) (2/13) Joint IOU written responses to stakeholder questions (2/10) Joint IOU recommendations – smart inverters (2/10) First draft outline (2/3) TURN (2/1) stakeholder subgroup (2nd version)(1/30) ORA 12 success criteria (first draft) (1/18) ORA (1/11) Stakeholder subgroup (1/11)
2/14 Webinar Goal: Develop as many consensus WG recommendations as possible with the information available. Detail where there is non-consensus in the report. Recommendations contingent upon modeling software/cost information should be identified in the report as pending additional data. Proposed Approach: Begin with recommendations ID’d as “Agree, with Modifications” After webinar if your party’s recommendation has changed, or viewpoint is not reflected/differs from the “IOU written responses to stakeholder subgroup” document, please email with language MTS will circulate a draft EOB 2/15 for first round of comments