Global Organisations End Mr Daly Learning Outcomes Learning Objectives Thursday, 3 January 2019 Learning Outcomes Investigate a global organisations by assessing their involvement in promoting ecological sustainability Learning Objectives Identify and describe methods used by groups to influence the global community Activities 5 minutes Starter Video Notes Positive and Negative Table Questions Creative Task: Poster End
Starter: Make Connections Mr Daly Starter: Make Connections Thursday, 3 January 2019 Answer the following question: What does this picture tell us? 5 minute timer End
Questions Mr Daly Why is Palm Oil necessary? Thursday, 3 January 2019 Why is Palm Oil necessary? What is Palm Oil production destroying? Where are the worlds Palm Oil plantations located? Is it easy to find a product which does not use Palm Oil? What can we do as consumers to slow or stop Palm Oil Production? What are some businesses and governments establishing? What is Tahlia’s motivation for promoting action?
Mr Daly Palm Oil Production Positives Negatives Thursday, 3 January 2019 Positives Negatives
Creative Task: Make a Poster Mr Daly Creative Task: Make a Poster Thursday, 3 January 2019 Create a Poster which outlines the issues surrounding Palm Oil production Illustrate; The positives The negatives Were it is happening
Mr Daly Thursday, 3 January 2019