“SNA 2008: SADC status” AGNA Meeting Meeting, Addis Abeba 20th – 22th April 2016
OUTLINE of presentation Background (SADC Statistics) Status of SADC countries – SNA 2008 Collaboration with Pan African Institutions Way Forward
SADC Statistics RSDS (Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics) Strategic Theme 2: Increase comparability and quality of prioritised regional statistics Harmonization of National Accounts/SNA 2008 To adopt a regional approach for SNA 2008 implementation and harmonisation of national accounts; To strengthen Member States capacity to implement the SNA
SADC Countries status Most countries on SNA 93 Some recommendations of SNA 2008 implemented by countries (eg..FISIM) Key Challenges for SNA implementation: human resource, financial and technical
Capacity Building Programmes Collaboration with AfDB Statistical Business Register (manual and training with Member States) SNA 2008 implementation: Meeting in May 2015, Gaborone: Objective: Implementation status review regarding SNA 2008 implementation and provide support in preparation of country implementation plans
AUC collaboration- Pan African Statistics (PAS) Capacity building programmes including National Accounts – SNA 2008 Launch Meeting with RECs: November 2015 SNA 2008 Meeting: 18-19 April 2016 (Recs views on implementation status, template of national action plans, roadmap for way forward and support of implementation) Consolidated report of RECs Meeting, 18-19 April 2016 provides salient recommendations
Some key necessary conditions for success Need for commitment and advocacy at highest level in countries and at regional level Need for clarity on specific roles of RECs, countries and pan-African Institutions regarding implementation plans Adequate financial and technical assistance for project implementation Improved statistical infrastructure including informal sector, deflators, economic surveys, business register and others
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