Thom Unrau KLT Land Stewardship Coordinator Stewardship in the Kawarthas Naturally Connected Natural Heritage System Thom Unrau KLT Land Stewardship Coordinator
2017 Trillium Foundation Seed Grant: Stewardship on Private Land 16 projects on private land 18,000 trees planted 20+ acres of invasive species managed 2 acres of pollinator habitat
New relationships with those already caring for their land People 50 volunteers New relationships with those already caring for their land Stewardship stories
Sharing the System
Challenges Focus: A large area, limited resources Longevity: Will relationships be maintained beyond funding? Will restoration efforts be maintained without formal agreements? Public/Private Benefit: It’s still private property
Opportunity Building relationships (that could lead to formal conservation) Enhancing habitat Raising awareness of NHS Lack of quality help is more of a barrier than cost
Quality, Individualized Landowner Support Is Too Important To Not Do To achieve KLT’s (and the collaborative) mandate we need to build systems for reaching and assisting individual landowners in caring for their land. …But Where? …But How?
The Fleetwood Creek Corridor Above average conservation values – repeatedly chosen by KNC’s different scenarios. Highest grades of KCA watershed report cards Tall grass prairie and cold water streams Existing relationships Stewardship and restoration impact Shared interest with partners – KCA, Woodlot association, ORMLT
The Fleetwood Creek Corridor Project Activities Working with private landowners whose properties are identified by KNC (core,linkage or buffer lands) we will: 1) Restore and enhance nature in the fleetwood creek through on-the-ground support and cost sharing of planting, seeding, tree thinning, restoration and stewardship projects
The Fleetwood Creek Corridor Project Activities Working with private landowners whose properties are identified by KNC (core,linkage or buffer lands) we will: 1) Restore and enhance nature in the fleetwood creek through on-the-ground support and cost sharing of planting, seeding, tree thinning, restoration and stewardship projects 2) Encourage appreciation and stewardship of the environment by i) celebrating those doing land care in the area, ii) by building a community of volunteers engaged in on-the- ground activities and iii) doing property visits and stewardship management plans for private land owners.
The Fleetwood Creek Corridor Project Activities Working with private landowners whose properties are identified by KNC (core,linkage or buffer lands) we will: 1) Restore and enhance nature in the fleetwood creek through on-the-ground support and cost sharing of planting, seeding, tree thinning, restoration and stewardship projects 2) Encourage appreciation and stewardship of the environment by i) celebrating those doing land care in the area, ii) by building a community of volunteers engaged in on-the- ground activities and iii) doing property visits and stewardship management plans for private land owners. 3) Ensure the protection of water and quality connected habitat through new conservation easements and land protection
3 year seed funding for delivery and growth Great opportunity for collaboration: Shared goals, manageable size