Reflecting on Practice TLP/PCMI 2016
Teacher Program Goals Deepen content knowledge Reflect on the practice of teaching Become a resource to colleagues
Teacher Program Goals Deepen content knowledge Reflect on the practice of teaching Become a resource to colleagues
Teacher Program Goals Deepen content knowledge Reflect on the practice of teaching Become a resource to colleagues
How do you know when students understand?
How do you know when students understand? Can relate or connect to other things we know Communicate the ideas to others Are reflective about what they know- think about what they know and don’t know Hiebert et al, 2000
Types of math problems
Implementing making connections problems
Reflecting on Practice: Making Connections that Support Learning
Hiebert, J. , Carpenter, T. , Fennema, E. , Fuson, D. , Murray, H Hiebert, J., Carpenter, T., Fennema, E., Fuson, D., Murray, H., Olivier, A., and Piet Human. P. (2000). Making Sense: Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Understanding. Heinemann