Chapter 2 Residents Rights
1987 the U.S. Congress passed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) Applies to all 50 states Requires nursing centers provide care that maintains, or improves each person’s quality of life, health, & safety Nursing centers must inform residents of their rights Resident’s Rights
Right to information-right to access to all records about the person
Right to refuse treatment – to maintain or restore health, improve function, or relieve symptoms Refusing Treatment
Privacy and Confidentiality Right to personal privacy – staff must care in a manner that maintains privacy of the person’s body. Privacy and Confidentiality
Privacy and Confidentiality Confidentiality – speak with others privately, or make phones calls Privacy and Confidentiality
Right to make their own choices – with regards to their doctor, care plan, treatment, what to eat, what to wear. This promotes quality of life, dignity, and self- respect. You must allow personal choice whenever safely possible. Personal Choice
Right to voice concerns, questions, and complaints about treatment or care – without fear a retaliation Grievances
Right to work or perform services if he or she wants to – not for care, care items, or other things or privileges Work
Right to form and take part in resident groups – take part in social, cultural, religious, and community events and getting to and from events Taking Part
Right to keep and use personal items- this includes some clothing and some furnishings depending on the space Personal Items
Right to be free from verbal, physical, and mental abuse – willful infliction of pain, mental anguish, depriving of goods or services
Involuntary Seclusion Separating the person from others against his or her will Keeping the person to a certain area Keeping the person away from his or her room without their consent Involuntary Seclusion
Freedom from Restraints Right not to have body movements restricted – restraints and certain medications can restrict body movements. Restraints are never used for staff convenience. Freedom from Restraints
Right to quality of life – staff must provide care in a manner that maintains or enhances the person’s self-esteem & feeling of self-worth Quality of Life
Participate in activities of choice Right to activites – that enhance each person’s physical, mental and psycho- social well-being. Participate in activities of choice