What makes each product so special?
TOPIC: Topic 4: Marketing LESSON TITLE: New Product Development (NPD) LEARNING INTENTION: To understand the process of developing a new product COMPETENCY FOCUS: Creativity: learners will develop skills in creativity and design by firstly looking at how promotion is used in business to help them to reach their goals and secondly, to design their own promotional campaign responding to a creative brief from the client. Reasoning: Learners will develop skills in reasoning as after providing advantages and disadvantages for the use of the promotional mix, you will be required to make a reasoned judgment. [IB Learner Profile Development: Open-minded] Success Criteria By the end of the lesson, I can… 1) Classify products by line, range and mix 2) Describe the NPD process, using examples 3) Analyse the importance of innovation in an era of rapid technological change. SMSC: You will assess the organisational culture of businesses in terms of fundamental structure, purpose and strategy development. CRITICAL THINKING KEY: Knowledge Application Analysis Evaluation
Mix and Match Line Range Mix The variety of product lines that a producer produces or a retailer stocks. Line Range All of the types of products made by a business Mix A set of related products sold by a business
Sequencing Put the process in the correct order. Idea Screening Test Marketing Launch Product Development Concept Testing
New Product Development Process Idea Screening Concept Testing Product Development Test Marketing Launch
TASK Invent your own product. Your product must have a USP. You must invent your product following the NPD process. What would happen at each stage?
Assessment Your peer will assess your idea against each stage of the NPD process.