Homework Check.


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Presentation transcript:

Homework Check

Visualizing Data

How to Compare Distributions When you’re visualizing data, you have lots of options as to how we display it. If we are comparing data on the same type of graph, it is important we focus on the relevant qualities. In order to do this, we need to CUSS!

Unusual features: Gaps (where there is no data) and outliers. Center: The area where about half of the observations (data) are on either side. Unusual features: Gaps (where there is no data) and outliers. Spread: The variability of the data. If the data has a wide range, it has a larger spread. If the data has a narrow range, it has a smaller spread. Shape: Described by symmetry, skewness, number of peaks, etc.

Center The center is probably at about 4. We’d need to do some calculations to be more precise. The center is at 5.

Shape Symmetrical Uniform

Skew left – it tails off to the left Skew right – it tails off to the right

Symmetrical Bi-Modal – two peaks, but balanced on both peaks Nonsymmetrical Bi-Modal – two peaks, but unbalanced on both peaks

Unusual features Gap – a space in the data, somewhat balanced on the sides Outlier – a big gap with one, maybe two, pieces of data on the far side

Spread Less Spread More Spread This measure mostly exists as a comparative, not an absolute.
