Finding A Balance In Life’s Spiritual Challenges
Christians Are Challenged Between Isolation & Separation “This World Is Not My Home” 1 John 2:15-17 John 3:16, 1 John 3:16 Romans 12:1-2 Matthew 16:26 John 17:9-17 1 Corinthians 5:9-13
Christians Are Challenge To Grow In Faith & Not Withdraw From The World Isolation from the world is not the Christians aim ‑ 1 Cor. 5:9-10. We must remember the “salt of the earth” must not lose its “flavor” (Matt. 5:13).
Christians Are Challenge To Grow In Faith & Not Withdraw From The World A growing faith enables us to overcome the world while living in it ‑ 1 John 5:4-5. Knowing our place in the world. We even limit evangelism with this …
Christians Are Challenged To Discipline Ourselves & Not Lose Patience The importance of self-control - Titus 2:11-12. Self-righteousness is always a danger - Luke 18:9-14.
Christians Are Challenged To Discipline Ourselves & Not Lose Patience We are rarely any more intolerant than with those who still have a bad habit we have overcome or with those we have no idea how someone is tempted.
Christians Are Challenged To Enjoy Life & Not Forget About Heaven The Scriptures commend wholesome happiness and enjoyment. Yet we must not forget that heaven is even more to be desired Phil. 3:20-21. Heaven presents us with a “difficult” choice Phil. 1:23-24.
Application & Conclusion Challenges need not overwhelm us. As overcomers (Romans 8), we should not isolate ourselves in fear. We must be “out there among them” making a difference. When we balance our mindsets and lives, between here and eternity, we glorify God both now and forever.
Application & Conclusion John 17:18-19 May we constantly examine our faith and practice to ensure that we are what our Lord has called us to be.