The Master of Suspense Alfred Hitchcock
What makes a film scary, suspenseful? What’s the difference between horror and suspense films? Do you enjoy one of these types more than the other? Explain why. What are some suspenseful films and scenes that come to mind? What made them suspenseful? What do you consider truly frightening? What are you afraid of in your real life?
Biographical Information Born in 1899 in London, England Lived much of his life in the U.S., became a U.S. citizen later in life. Died in 1980. Amazingly productive director – 65 different films plus two T.V. shows that ran for eight years. Career as a director ran for 50 years (1926 – 1976). Peak period was in the 1950s. Made extensive use of storyboards, so much so that he said he didn’t need to look through the camera lens when directing a film because he already knew what it looked like!
Education Hitchcock was educated in Art and Engineering - ** How does this combination of subject areas help with his career as a film maker? Hitchcock started making movies in the silent era. His work was characterized by visual schemes thematic concerns His future work relied on these aspects despite soon transferring into films with dialouge.
Technical Achievements Hitchcock loved to experiment. In Lifeboat, for example, he filmed the entire movie in one location within the confines of a small boat Hitchcock employed a similar concept in Rear Window, which takes place in an apartment
The Hitchcock Style A Hitchcock film is distinct – it has a unique look and feel as compared to others. As the background film progresses, compile a list of different descriptions of what makes a Hitchcock film uniquely his own. This is discussed a bit at beginning but obviously runs throughout the whole documentary. Have students jot a few quick notes down at the beginning and then continue to add on as the documentary progresses.
Point of View Editing and “Subjective Camera” How does Hitchcock use point of view editing and “subjective camera”? What effect is he trying to achieve by using these? 5:25 – 7:45
“Master of Suspense” Hitchcock is considered the “Master of Suspense”. How does he do this? How does he build suspense, tension, fear, etc… in the audience? 7:45 – 10:30. Editing, pacing, giving audience information, creating a sense of something is about to happen, etc…
“Bomb Theory” What’s the difference between suspense and shock/surprise? Explain Hitchcock’s use of suspense as explained in his bomb theory. 10:30 – 14:45
Hitchcock’s Villains How are Hitchcock’s villains unique both in themselves and in terms of the perception of them by the audience? How does he use these villains?
Settings & Situations What are typical Hitchcock settings and situations in his movies? Why might Hitchcock do this (i.e. what affect is he hoping to have on the audience by using the settings and situations that he does)?
Comedy and Sex To what extent and for what affect does Hitchcock use comedy and sex in his movies?
MacGuffin What is a MacGuffin and in what ways does Hitchcock make use of it in his films? **We’ve seen a MacGuffin used in Casablanca & to a certain extent in Citizen Kane– what was it?
Females In terms of their physical appearance, what type of females does Hitchcock frequently use as leads in his movies? Why does he do this?
Glamour & Fashion How does Hitchcock use glamour and fashion in his movies? What does he feel it adds to his movies?
Use of Sound Beyond basic dialogue, how does Hitchcock use sound (and silence) in his movies?
Counterpoints What does this concept means and how and why does Hitchcock use it within his movies (think in terms of both images and sounds).
Music How does Hitchcock use music in his movies?
Personal Life Connected to Films Hitchcock uses his own fears, his childhood, and his religious beliefs in his films. Explain the connection between his life and his these aspects in his films.
Identity How does Hitchcock use identity /mistaken identity in his movies? How does this manifest itself as a theme in many of his movies?
Symbolic Imagery Explain and give examples of Hitchcock’s use of symbolic imagery in regards to his religious references.
Hitchcock’s Films from Video Some of the films referenced in this background feature are… North By Northwest (1959) The Wrong Man (‘56) Dial M for Murder (‘54) I Confess (‘53) Strangers on a Train (‘51) Suspicion (‘41) Mr. and Mrs. Smith (‘41) Stage Fright (‘50)
Hitchcock’s Top Films The following are considered Hitchcock’s most popular and/or most critically acclaimed films: Rebecca (1940) Notorious (‘46) Rear Window (‘54) Vertigo (‘58) North By Northwest (‘59) Psycho (‘60) The Birds (‘63)