Determining confinement and stability of q(0)>1 regimes produced by lower hybrid current drive R. Parker, Alcator C-Mod Group Motivation: Temperature and/or density can peak in sawtooth stabilized LHCD plasmas. But MHD activity can occur as well, limiting T, n peaking. Questions to address: Is the stability consistent with resistive MHD analysis? What are the knobs for controlling stability? What are the confinement properties of these plasmas? Can stabilized H-mode (“Hybrid Mode”) be triggered before j relaxes ?
MHD activity can occur in discharges with strong current drive n׀׀ = 1.56 n׀׀ = 1.95 1080320017 Time (s) Ip (MA) Vloop(V) Ne_bar X1019m-3 Te0(keV) PLH(kW) Trad,R=0.86 (keV) MHD Arctan(Bv/Bφ) (degrees) Time(s) MSE traces at various major radii for discharge with MHD. Onset of MHD activity modifies MSE profile. Sawteeth are stabilized in these plasmas. Toe and/or no peaks when MHD is absent J. Ko
Proposal: Investigate stability and confinement in sawtooth stabilized LHCD plasmas Plan: Setup LHCD discharges with q(0) > 1 Measure confinement properties, rotation and jφ profile with/without MHD activity Evaluate stability – Δ’ or resistive MHD code? Investigate as function of npar Can stabilized H-Mode (Hybrid Mode) be triggered before j relaxes?