Go Formative: You need your phones out How would you define sustainable?
(World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987), Sustainability is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987),
The more complex the food web, the more sustainable of the ecosystem The more complex the food web, the more sustainable of the ecosystem. If one species is lost, there are still other organisms to feed from
Why do we need sustainable ecosystems? Sustainable ecosystem: an ecosystem that is capable of withstanding pressure and giving support to a variety of organisms Why do we need sustainable ecosystems?
Many require MORE THAN one sustainable ecosystem! Sustainable ecosystems endure, but they also support a wide variety of organisms. All organisms require sustainable ecosystems for survival. Many require MORE THAN one sustainable ecosystem! Endure: means to continue in the same state
Many require MORE THAN one sustainable ecosystem?? Examples of: Many require MORE THAN one sustainable ecosystem??
What industries do we have to ensure are sustainable? Think local (Saskatchewan): What industries do we have to ensure are sustainable?
What resources are used in agriculture that need to be sustained? Soil, water, ecosystems!, pollinators! What resources are used in agriculture that need to be sustained?
What resources are used in ranching that need to be sustained? Pastures/land, water, plants! What resources are used in ranching that need to be sustained?
What resources are used in forestry that need to be sustained? Plants!, ecosystems, water, What resources are used in forestry that need to be sustained?
What resources are used in mining that need to be sustained? Water, land Examples: potash, uranium, etc. What resources are used in mining that need to be sustained?
What resources are used in crude oil that need to be sustained? Water, land! Example: What resources are used in crude oil that need to be sustained?
Can we live sustainably?
Hyperlink to Montreal Students building a sustainable house