HL7-GS1 Workshop
Workshop Agenda Moderation: Ed Hammond The completion of domain-specific message and document definitions by process control mechanisms (Christian Hay, GS1) From prescribing to administering cytostatics - How GS1 standards can be used for supporting global traceability (Stéphane Spahni, University Hospitals of Geneva) The EHR-S/PHR-S Functional Models and specialized Functional Profiles – Means for organizing workable interoperability (John Quinn, HL7 International) Service functional models and their relationship to EHR-S Functional Model (Juha Mykkänen, HL7 Finland ) The HL7 Composite Security and Privacy Domain Analysis Model – an important step towards interoperable security and privacy environments (Bernd Blobel, HL7 Germany) The disciplinary, organisational, social and challenge of interoperability (Charles Jaffe, HL7 International)
Co-Chair, HL7 Security Work Group The HL7 Composite Security and Privacy Domain Analysis Model – an important step towards interoperable security and privacy environments Bernd Blobel, PhD, FACMI Chair, HL7 Germany Co-Chair, HL7 Security Work Group
ISO TS 2260
ISO TS 21298
Policy-Driven, Role-Based Access Control 8
Conclusions Starting with separate DAMs for security and privacy, the recently balloted Composite Security and Privacy Domain Analysis Model is a big step in the direction towards formally modeling the legal, security and privacy domain. The HL7 specification is basically harmonized with the related ISO specs ISO 22600 and ISO 21298 without running the JIC Process. The architecture-centric approach for policy-driven security and privacy management provides a future-proof solution beyond ISO EN 13606-4 and ISO TS 14265. 17
Thank you for your attention! Bernd Blobel, PhD, Associate Professor eHealth Competence Center University of Regensburg Medical Center Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 11 D-93042 Regensburg, Germany Email: bernd.blobel@klinik.uni-regensburg.de Phone: +49-941-944 6769 Fax: +49-941-944 6766 http://www.ehealth-cc.de 18