Room Booking System User Manual
URL Please use this link to access the room booking systems.
If you are first time to use this system, please click ‘register’.
is mandatory items. For the password, please follow these rules: 1 * is mandatory items. For the password, please follow these rules: 1. at least 8 characters, 2. including uppercase and lowercase letter and number(s), then click the send button.
Your application is send to administrator. Administrator will be create an account to you. You will received a email after your account is created.
If the account is created, you can find your name in the ‘Login name’.
There is some index for that graph. You will see this graph when you login. This graph is showing the Room 16 booking information. This graph shows monthly booking information. There is some index for that graph.
You will see this screen under the booking status graph. If you want to book the Room 16, please enter the date, time and purpose. CAC user will be allowed to make room reservation at the next 2 years. Others will be allowed to make 2 weeks reservation.
After you click the button ‘APPLY NOW’, this screen will be showed After you click the button ‘APPLY NOW’, this screen will be showed. Confirmation email will be sent to you if your request is approved.
Go back to this graph. The time slot pattern is changed.
If your booking request is approved, the pattern will be changed.
Cancellation If you want to cancel your booking, please select your name. Then click next. You will see below screen.
After you click the title After you click the title. This screen will show the booking information. Then click submit. Administrator will receive your cancellation request email. Please do this action at least 24 hours before booking date!
This screen will be showed after you click submit This screen will be showed after you click submit. If you request is approved, you will receive a email.
If you booking cancellation is approved, the pattern will be disappeared.