04-05/08/2010 End of physics at ~11:00 after 18.5 hours ~120 nb-1
05/08/2010 Go to adjust mode for end of coast study Swap H/V tunes for B2 (crossing coupling resonance) in order to investigate the feasibility of working point with similar to RHIC in collision. Damper can stand the tune swap but not completely transparent (dip in lifetime and tiny losses)
05/08/2010 Loss in B1 observed a few minutes after during “gentle” scan to test new version of the lumi scan application Preliminary conclusion: working point with swapped tunes for one of the beam not an option yet
05/08/2010 14:30 Start injection for test fill for ramp and squeeze optimization (2 on 2 bunches) Problem with the OFB stuck in the vertical plane for B! and B2: managed to get through the ramp (we had low intensity) with no losses thanks to previous incorporations Ralph working on this issue already observed in a few occasions 20:00 RQ10.B2 power converter trip (water fault again) Beam dump Incorporate Q and Orbit FB feed forward into ramp. ✔ Establish better end-squeeze to collision sequence/settings. ✔ Clean orbit in stable beams (ALICE H plane,..). ✔ Check TCTs. Not yet done Collimator loss maps. Not yet done Beam dump validation (Dump with RF OFF) Not yet done
05/08/2010 New beam process for collision (Mike): All went smoothly ! Non-closure of the knobs 30 microns in V, 60 microns in H. OK ! To be implemented in the sequence
05/08/2010 Orbit clean-up (Joerg): Before After Beam offset at TCTs now much better in ALICE (H) and CMS (V). The large offsets of around 2 sigma have been cleaned up. Before After
05/08/2010 Access request from CMS to fix serious problem on their detector Profited of the access for CMS to fix: problem on MKB (vacuum interlock configuration) Module replacement for fixing the spurious interlocks on Q10.R8 Accesses finished by 22:45 Tedious injection process because of an intermittent problem with an 80 MHz cavity in the PS (experts are still working)
05/08/2010 Stable beams at 03:53. Peak luminosity~2.7x1030 cm-2s-1 Initial luminosity ~10% lower than yesterday (only ½ of it explained by lower intensity. Emittances? Not clear from the available measurements
05/08/2010 Equal tunes for both beams (+0.002 wrt nominal collision tunes). Similar initial lifetimes wrt previous physics fill
Programme Keep this fill and put another one in the evening For the week-end: Physics fills with some short interleaved injection studies: Hump investigation (1.5 h) Damper tests (0.5 h)
Pending Tests: Requiring access: New BLM Firmware tests Delay of the PM trigger of the BLM system to be set back BLM team ready only next week Loss maps, orbit clean-up and TCT verifications Requiring access: Repair COD MCBH.18R7.B2 CV need to replace a motorisation of the water valve of the sector 56 - not urgent Time estimate ~3 hours Access team to replace oxydized connectors for PAD-PX24 in case of stop (3 hours) Magnetic probes in the machine for the studies related to the hump - access in point 5 (GA, LW) – 3 hours
Open issues Open Issues: Clogging of CMS cryo filters not yet understood Vacuum pumps near dilution kicker. QPS boards: several boards had to switch from channel A to B 80 MHz cavities in the PS