Warm Up 2/27 (#2) You have been commissioned by the Queen of America to obtain new resources for your country. Where would you go and why? What strategy would you use to get what you want?
February 27, 2018 Learning Target (I can…): Identify the who, where, and why of early European exploration. Upcoming Dates 2/28: Cortes Reading 3/1: Pizarro reading Take Out (for stamp): European Exploration reading Agenda: Early exploration Skills: Information organization
Let’s get a few more details https://youtu.be/NjEGncridoQ Fill in your viewing guide as we go.
Technology Caravels and triangular sails How did they do it? Technology Caravels and triangular sails Could sail against the wind Astrolabes and the magnetic compass More accurate navigation
Motivations for Exploration God, Gold and Glory Christianize the world Find gold or obtain other riches Do it all in the name of (insert country here) to prove they’re the most awesome
Motivations for Exploration Ethnocentrism Belief in the superiority of one culture or ethnic group Tends to make people see others through the lens of their own culture.
So what is the difference between Ethnocentrism and Racism?
Now let’s organize Explorer Where What Motivation Christopher Columbus Prince Henry Vasco De Gama Bartolomeu Dias
Homework Due Wednesday Take detailed notes on the Cortes Reading. (no critical reads)