CLOUD Activities in ETSI Document No: GSC17-PLEN-12 Source: ETSI Contact: Luis Jorge Romero Source: Mike Fisher Chairman & Karsten Oberle (TC CLOUD), GSC Session: PLEN Agenda Item: 6.11 CLOUD Activities in ETSI Presenter: Luis Jorge Romero ETSI Director-General
Strategic Direction Cloud Standards Coordination output will provide strategic guidance on Cloud Stands gaps and will trigger action in different SDO’s. Network Function Virtualization will identify standardization requirements and trigger standardization at ETSI and other SDO’s These two global activities will guide through the fog of Cloud Standards and trigger required activities
Cloud Standards Coordination EC Cloud Strategy ETSI tasked to coordinate with stakeholders to define standards maps in support of policy objectives (security, interoperability, data portability and reversibility) Cf. NIST/USG.“cloud first” policy Cloud Standards Coordination open to all 250+ participants/work mostly electronic Major SDOs/fora WW NIST, GITCF… Final output expected Q3/2013
TC CLOUD & NFV TC CLOUD Several new Reports, e.g. Cloud private sector user requirements SLA’s for Cloud Services Network Functions Virtualization, started in January 2013, major global activity
Cloud Interoperability Engineering Interoperability ex-post Series of events across multiple locations Practical testing experiments focused on interoperability of key technical standards Increasing formality with documented test specifications Cloud IOP week, Madrid16-20 Sept. 2013
Challenges Complex ecosystems Window of opportunity/industry strategies Engage private and public sector alike Keep in sync with international partners and SDO’s, avoid duplication of work Keep dialogue with the research community to be engaged in Cloud Standards