Monday 8th December
All Year Groups CHRISTMAS CONCERT Bellahouston Academy’s Christmas Concert will take place on the evening of Wednesday, 17th December. This will be a veritable feast of entertainment and festive fun. Tickets are priced at £3 and will be on sale this week. These will be sold at break times opposite the Janitors’ Box. Community Involvement pupils will also be coming round classes selling tickets. Family tickets (two adults and two children) will also be available at the special bargain price of £10.
All Year Groups FINAL PAYMENT REQUIRED ‘Peter Pan’ King’s Theatre Thursday, 18th December (1pm) Pupils involved in this theatre trip who have not yet paid in full are reminded that they must pay the balance by this Friday, 12th December at the latest, or their tickets will be given to those on the Reserve List. Payment can be made to Mrs Wewiorski during Intervals, Lunch times or at the start of Drama lessons.
S1 Dodgeball Tournament All S1 pupils who have signed up for the Dodgeball Tournament should attend the PE Department on Thursday 11th December at lunchtime.