Title date Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, postea tritani veritus quo ei. Ad hinc equidem sed, no vix deserunt mediocritatem. Per in laoreet placerat disputando.
Open Classroom Thank-you Card There are three stages to making this card: customizing the text to your event, printing the card, building the card. I: Prepare card text Edit “lorem ipsum” textbox to create a thank-you message relevant and meaningful. Edit the text on the door. This text is PPT text effect transformation and it doesn’t always respond to changes as you’d expect. Play around with the font, font size, and adding line-feeds (Shift-Enter) to adjust the spacing. (Optional) Add your organization’s logo. Be careful not to place the logo too close to the edge of the page – most printers do not print to the edge of the paper. II: Print card I recommend printing on 65lb card stock. It’s critical that the card print at 100% and properly positioned on the paper. I recommend saving the PPT slide as a PDF and then printing from your PDF reader. Be sure to select “Actual size”. Do a test print and check gray square is 1” by 1” (If it’s not, there is some scaling occurring. Check you’re printing actual size.) fold line is 4.25” from the edge of the paper (If it’s not, ensure the PDF software isn’t shifting the image and the check paper is feeding properly into your printer.) III: Build card Required tools: sharp (“X-Acto”) knife, ruler, burnisher tool for scoring folds (ballpoint pen with no ink works), glue, something to cut on (like a cutting mat) Look for step labels Key: cut score/fold Score from left edge of the page to the middle of the page to create the center fold in the finished card. Don’t score all the way across the page and through the door. Cut the page in half. One half is “the card”, the other half contains the door. Fold the card in half and set it aside. Score the door hinge – score only inside the door frame. Score lines 5a, 5b, 5c. Be careful with these cuts – cut only inside the door frame. Cut 6a (top of door), 6b (bottom of door), 6c (side of door). Cut 6d and 6e to remove the white triangles. Cut 7a, 7b. Don’t cut all the way to the edge of the page or you’ll lose the other cut lines. Cut 7c, 7d. You should have a 2” by 4.75” rectangle containing the door. Gently fold the door inwards about 30 degrees. Be careful: the door frame with the “hinge” is fragile. Fold lines 5a, 5b, 5c 90 degrees as shown in diagram: 7b Step 9 Apply glue to the gray flap above the door. Attach the gray flap in the matching gray area on the card. Firmly press down the flap to ensure a good bond. 10 10 Gently apply glue to the gray flap below the door. Lightly attach the gray flap in the matching gray area on the card. Close the card (making sure the door tucks in smoothly) and press down on the outside of the card over the flap . This will ensure the card closes properly. Open the card to check the alignment. Remove any excess glue. Close the card and set it under a heavy book to let the glue dry completely. Congratulations, the card is give away! 11 11 1 11 Open Classroom TY Card (2018) Peter Newbury peternewbury.org