151Eu AND 57Fe MÖSSBAUER STUDY OF Eu1-xCaxFe2As2 SUPERCONDUCTOR AND PARENT COMPOUNDS K. Komędera1, A. Błachowski1, K. Ruebenbauer1, J. Żukrowski2, S. M. Dubiel3, L. M. Tran4, M. Babij4, Z. Bukowski4 1Mössbauer Spectroscopy Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Pedagogical University, Kraków, Poland 2Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland 3AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland 4Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław, Poland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XII Ogólnopolskie Seminarium Spektroskopii Mössbauerowskiej OSSM’2018 Goniądz, 17-20 czerwca 2018
Fe-based Superconductors pnictogens: P, As, Sb chalcogens: S, Se, Te BaFe2As2 SrFe2As2 CaFe2As2 EuFe2As2 KFe2As2 RbFe2As2 CsFe2As2 low Tc superconductors Nonsuperconducting parent compounds
Magnetic structure of EuFe2As2 Two magnetic sublattices Fe2+ 3d itinerant electrons Spin Density Wave Fe saturation moment of 0.988 µB aligned along the long a axis. TSDW=190 K localised Eu2+ 4f electrons, spin S=7/2 µeff= 7.94 µB A-type Antiferromagnet TN=19 K Xiao et al. PRB 80, 174424 2009
Spin density wave (SDW) perpendicular longitudinal commensurate or incommensurate h2n-1 – amplitudes of subsequent harmonics q – wave number of SDW x – relative position of the resonant nucleus along propagation direction of the stationary SDW 4
Spin density wave (SDW) seen by Mössbauer Spectroscopy h2n-1 – amplitudes of subsequent harmonics q – wave number of SDW x – relative position of the resonant nucleus along propagation direction of SDW SDW hyperfine field distribution 57Fe Mössbauer spectrum
Effect of pressure Pressure-suppressed SDW order Pressure-induced superconductivity Persistent Eu2+ magnetic order Kurita et al. PRB 83, 214513 (2011) Kumar et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 042601 (2014)
Effect of dilution of Eu sublattice with nonmagnetic ions Disappearance of Eu2+ magnetic order SDW order remains intact ? Zapf and Dressel, Rep. Prog. Phys. 80 (2017) 016501
Phase diagram of Eu magnetic ordering in Sn-flux-grown Eu(Fe1−xCox)2As2 single crystals suppression of SDW order superconductivity coexists with Eu ferromagnetism superconductivity competes with Fe SDW antiferromagnetic order W. T. Jin et al., PRB 94, 184513 (2016)
Effect of Co-doping on Eu2+ magnetic ordering in Eu(Fe1−xCox)2As2 single crystals ferromagnetic Eu2+ moment of 6.2μB purely along the c direction Fe2+ moment is estimated to be 0.63(4) μB Neutron diffraction Co concentration x AF CAF F W. T. Jin et al., PRB 94, 184513 (2016)
Electric Field Gradient + Hyperfine field on 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy
”122” family of Fe-based superconductors Parent compounds EuFe2As2 Eu0.57Ca0.43Fe2As2 CaFe2As2 Superconductors Eu(Fe0.81Co0.19)2As2 Eu0.73Ca0.27(Fe0.87Co0.13)2As2
Relative Resistivity Parent compounds TSDW (Fe) TN (Eu) EuFe2As2 192 K Eu0.57Ca0.43Fe2As2 195 K ≈10 K CaFe2As2 175 K Superconductor TSC Tre-SC Eu0.73Ca0.27(Fe0.87Co0.13)2As2 12 K 10 K Eu0.73 (Fe0.81Co0.19)2As2 9.5 K
57Fe Mössbauer spectra of parent compound TN (Eu) = 19 K TSDW = 192 K TSDW = 195 K TSDW = 175 K
Spin density wave (SDW) TSDW = 192 K TSDW = 195 K TSDW = 175 K
hyperfine field distribution 57Fe Mӧssbauer spectra hyperfine field distribution shape of SDW Spin density wave (SDW) Eu0.57Ca0.43Fe2As2 TSDW = 195 K
Mean squared amplitudes of SDW versus temperature Total spectral shift versus temperature
57Fe Mössbauer spectra of EuFe2As2-based superconductors Hyperfine transferred field from Eu to Fe about 1T
151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy
151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy 151Eu Mӧssbauer effect shift scale Nuclear energy levels of 151Eu in the presence of quadrupol interaction Nuclear energy levels for 151Eu in the presence of a magnetic hyperfine interaction G. J. Long et al. (eds.), Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Inorganic Chemistry © Springer Science+Business Media New York 1989
151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy
151Eu Mössbauer spectra Parent compounds TSDW = 192 K Superconductor TSC = 9.5 K Parent compounds TSDW = 195 K Superconductor TSC = 12 K
Conclusions The SDW develops in a similar fashion for the compound Eu0.57Ca0.43Fe2As2 as for parent EuFe2As2. In superconductors Eu(Fe0.81Co0.19)2As2, Eu0.73Ca0.27(Fe0.87Co0.13)2As2 hyperfine transferred field from Eu to Fe is about 1T. Eu2+ orders magnetically regardless of the Co and Ca substitution . Europium moments rotate from the a-axis in the direction of the c-axis (within a-c plane). Europium magnetic order and superconductivity coexist.