Guess the Meaning of New Words Language Note 1.5 Guess the Meaning of New Words
Don’t worry! You don’t always need to know the meaning of every word. You can sometimes find definitions of new words. Definitions are other words or a sentence that gives the new word’s meaning. Look for clues (أدِلَة) in the reading. They can help you to understand the meaning of new words. What should I do if I don’t understand a new word?
Here are three clues (أدِلَة) for the meaning of new words. is/are means ( )
A) Instructions: Look at the sentences below. is/are Mr. Fulton is a historian. A historian is a person who studies the people and activities of the past. means I enjoy speaking foreign languages. Foreign means from another country. ( ) My sister hates (doesn’t like) cheese.
is/are Look at the sentences below. Mr. Fulton is a historian. A historian is a person who studies the people and activities of the past. Find this word in the sentences. What does the word mean? Write no more than eleven words. 1. historian = How do you know? a person who studies the people and activities of the past is
means Look at the sentences below. I enjoy speaking foreign languages. Foreign means from another country. Find this word in the sentences. What does the word mean? Write no more than three words. 1. foreign = How do you know? from another country means
( ) My sister hates (doesn’t like) cheese. ( ) Look at the sentence below. My sister hates (doesn’t like) cheese. Find this word in the sentence. What does the word mean? Write no more than two words. 1. hates = How do you know? doesn’t like ( )
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