BLACK SHEEP, BLACK SHEEP Where’d you leave your lamb? ‘Way down in the valley.
Black sheep, black sheep, Where’d you leave your lamb? ‘Way down in the valley.
Bees and the butterflies buzzin’ all around, Poor little thing cryin’ “Mommy!”
Black sheep, black sheep, Where’d you leave your lamb? ‘Way down in the valley.
Over the hilltops and down in the glen Out in the meadow live a thousand sheep See the little lamb huddled out in the cold Lost from his mother--I don’t know why Nuzzling through the grass from dawn till sleep Soft-footed pattering around the bend Won’t someone bring the lamb safely to the fold Lost and alone, the lamb begins to cry
Lost and alone, the lamb begins to cry Lost from his mother--I don’t know why See the little lamb huddled out in the cold Won’t someone bring him safely to the fold