A Review: Tying It All Together symbolism A Review: Tying It All Together
Symbolism Symbolism: the act of representing things through symbols Remember: a symbol stands for something BEYOND itself. NO: Anne’s diary symbolizes how she wrote all the time. YES: Anne’s diary symbolizes her only way of escaping her hiding place.
Symbolism in “All Around the Mulberry Tree”
Symbolism In “All Around the Mulberry Tree”, there is a lot of symbolism. With your partner (or on your own), complete the grid on symbolism. Keep in mind the theme you identified. When you finish with that, you will illustrate the theme of the story using symbols of your own.
Sketch to Stretch This combines theme with symbolism. On your Sketch to Stretch sheet, draw a picture that symbolizes the theme. This SHOULD NOT be an actual scene from the story. Instead, think about how to illustrate your THEME using SYMBOLS!