Review of Chapter 10 (condensed states of matter) A.P. Chem Review of Chapter 10 (condensed states of matter) ln (VP1/VP2) = DHv/R (1/T2-1/T1) Clausius-Clapeyron Properties to be aware of : V.P., B.P., DHv, Surf. Ten., volatility, viscosity Properties to be aware of : melting pts, conductivity, and solubility …all related to attractive forces Pc Critical Point… V.P. solid= V.P. liquid SOLID LIQUID V.P. liquid curve Defined: Structural units held together by attractive forces enough to make a rigid structure Defined: Clustery with short range order Pressure→ GAS Types (ranked by bond strength): Macromolecular (atoms—covalent bonds) Ionic (ions—ionic bonds) Metallic (atoms—metallic bonds) Molecular (molecules – intermolecular bonds) Triple Point… all 3 phases in equilibrium Defined: Random V.P. solid curve Organization? No→ Yes→ DHvap Amorphous Same mat’l but diff. pattern: Allotropism KE Crystalline…units arranged in a geometric pattern DHfus ←q = mcDT Found by X-ray Diffraction Simplest repeating pattern: Unit Cell Time Bragg’s Law: (nl = 2d sinq) Temperature→ Coord. # Varieties Types: Tc 6 simple (1) 8 BCC (2) 12 FCC (4) aka CCP (ABC…ABC stacking in metals) Cubic, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic, Monoclinic, Triclinic, Rhombohedral, Hexagonal (AB…AB stacking in metals)