EC Working Group on Capacity Development Governance
WMO Strategy for Capacity Development : Why? Establish a CD Strategy to ensure, in a holistic approach, all actors in Met/Hydro/Climate work towards the same overall objective : Facilitating sustainable development of NMHS
Question now is how shall the CDS be governed?
Currently…… EC-CD has a role to review issues related to the capacity of NMHSs to fulfill their mandates…. Addressing all aspects of assistance provided by WMO and its partners to developing and least developed Members…and Provide advice and pursue a coherent approach… Guidance on VCP, Trust Funds and IPM Coordinate with EC Panel on Ed and Training Invite devel agencies and experts to work and participate Create Sub-Groups as required
Proposed Changes to TOR of EC-CD Not just LDCs/SIDS National /Regional Priorities…stakeholder focus Process to set priorities CDS for 4 year period for guidance to RA, TCs and Secretariat Monitoring WMO action at country level/system to do so RA priorities for development Action Plan with annual reporting Ask SG to ask Departments promote externally funded projects
Possible Change to CD Governance Structure EC WG on Capacity Development Chair Members Secretariat Support WMO President Chairs of Sub WGs D/DRA Sub- WGs EC members ETR EC Member Similar to current EC Panel on ETR D/ETR Informal Planning Meeting (IPM) VCP and related Chosen by IPM at each meeting VCP and related donors and experts D/RMO LDC and Regional Program RA President (Rotating among RAI, RA II, RA V) EC members and invited experts – regional focus D/LDCR Infrastructure CBS President TBD D/OBS