Maze Race
Race The first thing you need to do is change the background so click on stage. Then click on background. Now click paint Select the background colour you want and fill the page.
Maze The first thing you need to do is change the background so click on stage. Then click on background. Now click Import and look through the files to find the background you want.
Race Maze Now you have your background click on edit and draw on your maze. Now you have your background click on paint new sprite. Then draw your race track.
Race Maze Now you need to select objects (sprites) for your maze game. You need; A character to work through the maze A final destination and Objects that you need to avoid Now you need to choose a vehicle or object to race around your track. Click on choose a new sprite from file. 1 2 3 Have a look through the files to find the sprite you like. To do this, click on ‘choose a new sprite from file’ and look through the files to choose a sprites you want.
Race Maze Shrink or grow your sprite to the right size by selecting the function and clicking on your sprite. You need to shrink or grow your sprites to the size you want. Follow the instructions here to do that.
Now you need to programme your sprites by writing scripts for them. You do this by selecting a type of operation then a function from that section. To select a function, left click, hold and drag it into this script panel. The functions link together to create a script for your sprite to follow. Any thing that you put in the script panel can be removed by clicking and dragging it back out.
Race Maze Click on your sprite, make sure you are on script. You will have several sprites to write scripts for. The destination place sprite doesn’t need a script. The obstacles will need to float around the screen. The character you are moving through your maze will need to have a start position, just like the sprite in the race game. Follow these instructions for how to start this. Start your script with a control. When you start a new game with the green flag you need your sprite to be in start position. So select ‘When green flag clicked’ and drag it into the script panel.
Race Maze Use Race or Ocean Commotion Maze Game to help you programme your sprites. Remember you can right click on a function for the ‘help’ which will explain what the function does.
Race Maze Click on your sprite, make sure you are on script.
Race Maze Click on your sprite, make sure you are on script.