Genomics for Regional Development A real quick intro to genetics Dr Simon Hills
DNA – the code for life
DNA – the code for life The human genome: About 3,200,000,000 base pairs About 1.5 meters long All the DNA in a human body would stretch from the earth to the sun ….. 100 times
Genes Genes encode proteins Around 20,000 genes in the human genome Genes only make up 1.5% of the genome
Genetic variation 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans 1 from mum, 1 from dad Each contains identical genes, but may have different versions of each gene (allele)
DNA sequencing – reading the code 1953 structure of DNA determined 1964 first DNA sequence 1972 first gene sequence 1977 first virus genome (5386 bp) 1983 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 1995 first bacterial genome (1,830,137 bp) 2003 complete human genome sequenced (13 years, ~$2.7B USD) Now – Human genome sequenced for less than $1000 in a few days
What can you do with genomics? Provenance and pedigree Genome wide association analysis Genotype – phenotype mapping Genotype – environment matching Genetic engineering
Genetic engineering the direct manipulation of an organism's genes using biotechnology
CRISPR/Cas9 Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats